Thursday, March 13, 2008

It's Tubular

As Browser observes from the ger roof...

...the plumbers get busy installing water and sewage lines for kitchen sink, bathroom sink, tub and washing machine.
Somehow it's much more complicated that I expected.

Not much left to do now but wait for the building permit and the first (ulp!) inspection...

Monday, March 10, 2008

Getting Ready to Pour

Hi guys,

My builder Mark is motivated, and we've been busy. Some pix:
Trenches cleaned and
forms and insulation added:
It's time to bring back the plumber and electrician for their pre-pour set-ups. I haven't been to my PO Box in a week, but I don't expect the permit is here yet.

The addition site is staying pretty dry, though. After meticulous prep, Mark wants to do the whole slab in one "mono-pour".... about 9 yards, I guess.

The weather has been changing continuously. I manage to collect enough firewood in the the woods day by day to stay warm. Keeping the ground water moving is a daily deal. When things dry up a bit, the natural water flow will be easier to work with, such as it is... This IS a desert, right?
The dog is now Dali.