Saturday, March 29, 2008

Dali, the Surrealist Dog

I'd been thinking that Dali's ears resembled Grommit's,
but now I think it's more her nose...

The house?
Oh yes, I've received the building permit and passed my first inspection! - the plumbing and septic... Below you can see the pipes of the septic system under pressure, ready for the inspector.
Then, thanks to friend Pozzi's truck, I was able to bring in 2 loads of "crusher fines" to go between the dirt and the concrete.
This layer of very coarse gravel-y sand will draw water from the fresh concrete - and it fills in nicely around the plumbing...
A network of string lines assures that we'll have 4" of concrete. Now we're really getting close to pouring time. Next Mark will complete the metal reinforcement - wire mesh and rebar.