Saturday, January 26, 2008


99 birds at the corner ofCamino de la Placitas & Paseo del Pueblo Norte...
(click to count)

The wood for shelving, bedframe, outhouse roof, and,
of course, the yurt deck's support structure, arrived Monday:
Mark put together a very nice basic bedframe
and I stained it - shelves, too:
The bed is screwed into the wall and supported by one 4x4 post.
My office will be underneath, opening up a lot of space in my tiny digs.

Mark and assistant Scott are beginning the deck by
preparing a level surface:These rebars measure the slight settling of the blocks,
so they can be shimmed as the as the warm weather melts the snow.

The outhouse roof in progress...

Lots of action now. Trying to keep working on all fronts at once - teaching, web site clients, and this construction site. And blog!

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