Sunday, December 2, 2007

More Weather

We had about 2 days of sun after the snow, but it rained yesterday and melted most of said snow. Somehow in all this, I managed to stain the floor:

The picture above shows the acid stain soaking in, before removal. I've since sopped all this up and rinsed the floor many times. The actual color is going to be more like black coffee, I hope (for max solar gain, as they say).

Yesterday, friend Steve hauled hauled up the bookcase I sold him long ago, which I just bought back from him... I was intending to seal the floor then, but rain had gone through the big thermopane windows... around them.... There was a bit of water on the floor, and obviously a lot of wind came with the rain.

So, today I'll work on sealing windows. If the sun comes out, I'll seal the floor.

Not sure about contractors... Sun and wind (good) and cold (bad) are forecast.

And what about the cat?
Meet Browser.

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