Friday, November 23, 2007

Gratuitous Snow

Day after Thanksgiving, 4" of snow and still snowing...

I haven't been up to Questa since the snow, but here's what it looked like day before yesterday:

We pulled most of the north wall off and got a glimpse at the structure underneath. Mark removed the windows (below) and we covered everything in clear plastic (above).
As much as possible, we're trying to save the wood for re-use. We'll selectively undo the plastic to insert the door openings (to bedroom and pantry), and to install electric.
I picked up a small woodstove:

So much to do! The stove needs to be installed in the south room, and the ger platform is coming up soon.

At Thanksgiving I suddenly saw myself as a Questa person visiting Taos... get packing!

Oh yes, most important of all, my brother Herb and wife Janice appeared briefly the night before the night before Thanksgiving... They got to see what I'm up to and ply me with gifts - Strawberry jam and pear butter and a pumpkin pie - all home made - and candles and a mountain of tupperware.
Without further ado, here they are:
Janice & Herb

One last pic of the walkway, removed for the electric and water, maybe for good:

Snow pix from the site, tomorrow!

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